Open letter to Rochester drivers

…or at least the ones who work for the company whose name sounds a little like nodak:

Just because there is a molecule of snow on the gound does not give you license to park 3/4s of a car width away from the car nearest you. When I lived in Canada we had two little tricks that I’m willing to share with you for no cost: we either got the fuck out of our cars and kicked some snow off the ground to find the stripe, or we just parked as far away from the next guy as we did in summer. Now, is that so hard?

I swear our company parking lot’s capacity goes down by 50% in winter, and you have to park further away from the door just when you’d least like to walk that extra distance.

One thought on “Open letter to Rochester drivers”

  1. Note from another Canadian: Are all Rochester drivers idiots? I’ve lost count of how many cars I’ve seen running full throttle through intersections well after the light has turned red, I’ve even had to sit at intersections when my light has turned green because I can see some dumbass coming with no intention of stopping. Oh yes, and where I come from, pedestrians have the right of way on a cross walk! Why do I have to fear for my life every time I step off the curb with a walk signal in front of me?

    What the hell is wrong with you people?

    Another thing: at 60mph, there is no reason at all why you should be sitting less than ten feet behind my bumper, ESPECIALLY in rush hour traffic. That is dangerous and stupid. Why do you people overtake those of us who are driving safely only to ride the bumper of the car directly in front of us???

    If all the stupid drivers in Rochester had their licenses taken away, 90% of drivers would be off the road.

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