After a week without it, I got my car back. This is a continuation of previous problems with oil leakage – this time they replace the engine block and the head. Major stuff. Thank God it appeared at 58K miles and not at 61K miles.
Day: December 13, 2004
Mail filters written by idiots.
I got an email from my Dad, and since it’s a Microsoft Turd document I tried to bounce it to my work account so that I could read it there. But it bounced:
<>: host[] said: 550 Message refused - Banned text appeared in header or body: 'shit' (in reply to end of DATA command)
I piped the message through strings to see where the banned text occurred. It was somebody’s name – “Phil Matushita”. Words fail me.
With a mark-down like this, how can you NOT afford it?
Screen grab from a Garmin GPS dealer.
The price has been marked down from $799.99 to $799.00. Well, I couldn’t afford it before, but now…
(Note: This is not a hint. This is the not the GPS I want anybody buying me for Christmas. If I were in the market for a new GPS, it would be the Garmin 296. Thank you.)