Anybody know anything about Garmin Forerunner 301s?

Update: We got it fixed up by deleting my profile off Jim’s laptop, and plugging the GPS back into it. Apparently the reason I can’t figure out how to change the name on the Mac is that there isn’t a way.

Last night after the time trial, Jim hooked a bunch of our GPSes up to his laptop to show us some things about our heart rates. Unfortunately, as a result of that, my GPS has acquired a device name of the first initial and last name of the guy whose GPS he looked at before mine. When I start it up, there’s this guy’s name. When I connect it to my Mac and fire up Garmin Training Center or the Garmin Connect web site, there is his name. Otherwise, it’s still my GPS – it still has my date of birth, weight, and all my training paddles this year on it. But I can’t figure out how to set its name! I even tried the various “reset to factory defaults” options under the setup menus. No luck. I also upgraded the version of Garmin Training Center I use from 2.1.7 to beta (which has much nicer graphs and displays, I must say). Still no luck.

Does anybody know how to change the device name? Will I need to boot into Windows to do it?

2 thoughts on “Anybody know anything about Garmin Forerunner 301s?”

  1. On my Mac, Training Centre grabbed the name of my user account. I was not aware that the device was capable of storing a name. You may want to post the question on the Garmin forums (

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