Go The Fuck Away!

I’ve ranted about the impromptu meetings that break out outside my cube in the past, right? Well, today it reached a new pinnacle of annoying: there were three separate groups talking, and because they were so noisy, each group was getting progressively louder and louder as they struggled to be heard over the other two groups.

After a minute or two of this, I went out and said very loudly “Excuse me, I’m not working too loud for you, am I?” One person laughed, but nobody stopped talking. About two minutes later, two of the groups went away but the one group stayed for another 5 minutes or so.

Next time I’m plugging my iPod into my speakers and blasting “Mao Tse Tung Said” at them.

5 thoughts on “Go The Fuck Away!”

  1. Next time, after the humorous opening, continue with “Would you guys please move it somewhere else? Now? Come on, shoo now, that’s right, keep moving, go away, you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here…”

    Seriously. Clearly, you’re too nice.

  2. Dude, you seriously should print that sign out and put it outside your cubicle wall.

    I’ll echo that. If they don’t get the clue by that point then I say go with Vicki’s suggestion. If they still don’t get it, I suggest resorting to loudly yelling the title of this blog entry.

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