You know what sucks?

– Dental surgery sucks. I got a temporary crown this morning. Between the numb mouth, the screeching of the drill and the feel of things being ground away inside you, or the two people with their hands in your mouth, one of whom is constantly telling you to open wider as your fight with all your mental might to not bite them and tell them to get the hell away from your mouth, there isn’t much to like. It’s four hours now, and I’m getting the feeling back in my mouth, but this temporary crown feels like a foriegn object in my mouth. At least it’s not cutting into my tongue the way the fragments of tooth were doing all weekend, but I probably bit my tongue a few times while it was numb.

– Canadian voters suck. It’s almost as if they’re afraid of insulting politicians they used to like, so they keep voting for the PM who gets more and more unpopular, but wait for him to retire and then vote his replacement out of office out of anger at the one who just retired. They did it to Trudeau/Turner, Mulrooney/Campbell, and now it looks like they’re going to vent their anger at Chretien’s arrogance and corruption on Paul Martin, who seemed like a pretty decent PM for a change. I’m just hoping and praying that Harper doesn’t get a majority, because he would be a giant step backwards for social liberalism in Canada. Plus, Canada is the only member of the G7 with a balanced budget, so why vote in a guy whose going to fuck with that to give giant tax breaks to the rich?

8 thoughts on “You know what sucks?”

  1. Dentistry: what helped me massively was that my dentist gave me a rubber block to bite on with the molars on the side which is not being worked on. You can bite like crazy and there is no risk of you biting on the drill or the dentists fingers.

    A rubber doorstop carved down a bit works well if your dentist doesn’t have the block.

  2. > […] I’m just hoping and praying that Harper doesn’t get a
    > majority, because he would be a giant step backwards […]

    So, should the former happen but not the latter, what form of your words are you offering to eat?

  3. It looks like you’re off the hook. Care to guess how much social mayhem the tories will accomplish with their minority?

    By the way, predictions are by nature risky, testable things. They are not just two-cent opinions like “I like ice cream” that is neither worth contradicting nor contradictable. Predictions are serious business, even when they come at the low-low cost of $0.

  4. Frank, I’m hoping this will mean that he won’t be able to keep his campaign promises to repeal gay marriage, outlaw abortion, increase taxes to the poor and give tax breaks to the rich. Which is a very, very lucky thing for Canada.

  5. And he won’t get to eat NDP babies either… but seriously, where in his campaign literature or speeches did you hear anything about outlawing abortion or increasing taxes to the poor? Or is this all based on what historians call secondary sources?

  6. Frank, you mean like
    where it says:

    Tory Leader Stephen Harper, while campaigning in southern Ontario, said a Tory government would repeal the new Liberal tax cut for people in the lowest income tax rate if it wins government on Jan. 23.

    Yeah, there’s that “secondary sources” all right – how can I believe what Stephen Harper says about Stephen Harper’s platform!

  7. Really, to be fair, that “new tax cut” corresponds to 1% of the earnings … applied to just these first few weeks of 2006, when it kicked in. They are proposing bringing other taxes down to more than compensate for that. Do some arithmetic, you’ll see how e.g. the proposed 2% drop in GST is likely to do the job.

    I’m sure there are plenty of reasons why the proposed or actual tory policies will end up generating disagreement. But at least the debate should be grounded on *all* the facts.

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