Vacation update

I had a bunch of plans for the vacation.  Some of them actually got done.


  • Spend time with my daughter, step-daughters and wife (partial credit – probably could have done better, but it was great to have Liane here for the first time in years even just to hang out, and we did a few fun things.)
  • Finish reading “Ajax In Action” (partial credit – read the first 10 of 13 chapters and Appendix A.)
  • Reimplement the “progress report” part of the web site so that instead of re-drawing the entire page every 10 seconds it just grabs the actual count that’s changed and puts it into an appropriate div.  (Not even started.)
  • Add some more design notes to the NavData wiki. (Not done.)
  • Import some of the user data files I’ve been sent into the web sites. (I did a couple, Brazil, Argentina and the UK, but I’ve got a couple more to do.)
  • Finish Half Life 2 which I got last Christmas.  I stopped last January when I had some video card problems.  (Played for 15 minutes, got to Ravenholm, got violently motion sick and stopped.)
  • Get some flying in. (Didn’t get a single day without low ceilings.)

I probably get a failing grade for that.

Ok, that’s annoying

I upgraded to WordPress 2.0 a few days ago.  I just noticed today that the comment count isn’t incrementing when people post comments (although they do decrement when I delete a test comment).  So there’s all those posts on my main page that say “Comments (0)” even though they have comments.  And they’re not showing up in my “unread comments” plugin either.

I think I’m going to have to try turning off some plugins to see if that makes a difference.  I hope it’s not SpamKarma.