4 thoughts on “Mystery Solved”

  1. Evidently that wasn’t a complete fix. I deleted a few test posts, and the count didn’t decrement. Upgrading to SK2.1beta and the “SK2/WP2 compatibility plugin” is supposed to solve this. Let’s test that.

  2. Just been through exactly the same thing.

    It looks like your RSS feed’s URL changed when you upgraded, so I didn’t see any of your recent posts in Bloglines.

    Oh well, happy new year!

  3. Well, maybe *some* of my feed URLs changed, but at least some of them didn’t – I still see my posts on my rawdog friends page. But evidently livejournal syndication is broken too.

    Actually, I think my feed changed when I moved from MovableType to WordPress, but I had a RewriteRule that took care of backwards compatibility. That evidently got lost. I’ll see if I can fix it.

  4. Yup, I was using ‘index.rft’ which goes back to the MT days I think. Updated it now, but will take a look at my mod_rewrite file to see if I can figure it.

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