That’s good

I took out the RAM on my Powerbook and reseated it, and now I can pick up my laptop by the edges without it going “bong” and rebooting. Yesterday I couldn’t do that.

Horray! My laptop works!

Oh wait, now I don’t have an excuse to buy that 17″ Powerbook that I’ve been drooling over for 2 years. Damn.

3 thoughts on “That’s good”

  1. 2 years! Goodness, your laptop is CLEARLY obsolete. I’m sure you can just barely do anything with it! It’s soooo slow!

    Go forth and upgrade, my friend.

  2. Perhaps if it were to slip from your fingers as you picked it up … You really shouldn’t be holding it over the edge of the roof like that.

  3. You know, I don’t know if I’ve told Vicki about how I like to use my laptop on hotel room balconies, or out at the airport sitting behind jets that are about to start up.

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