I apologize to Plane and Pilot Magazine

In a previous blog entry, I asked people to vote in a Plane and Pilot magazine poll for some software that I’m involved with. In that, I made an ironically cynical remark that “it can’t win against software that actually buys advertising in the magazine” – memories of the notoriously biased and down right fraudulent “Runners World” shoe surveys on the late 1970s and early 1980s and the like dancing in my head. Well, it turns out that Plane and Pilot Magazine, like most aviation publications, are straight shooters, and I insulted them gratuitously. For that, I apologize.

In the good news department, Plane and Pilot Magazine tells that we finished in the top five in the poll. Woo hoo.

Oh, and to give you another indication of why Plane and Pilot Magazine has gone way up in my estimation, the publisher himself posted a comment in my blog pointing out the insult, but NOT threatening me or asking me to apologize. And that’s why I think they deserve the apology.

Moved to tears

I’m currently listening to my iPod, specifically the Bulgarian Women’s Choir, World Tour ’93. Right now, the song is called “Polegnala E Toudora”, and for some reason it’s just moving the hell out of me. It’s so beautiful, I can’t stand it. I’d almost call it “Unearthly”, but Anna Russell didn’t seem to consider that a compliment in her “Album?”. So I guess I’ll call it “ethereal”. The other CD I have of this music is equally moving and beautiful.

Side note to the RIAA: I bought these two CDs because somebody sent me a couple of MP3s and I liked it so much that I had to own it. In my case at least, music sharing drove more music sales. So put that in your lawsuits and smoke it.