
I suffer from chronic pain. I have been since 1975 or so. Yup, 28 years of chronic pain out of 42 years of life. And much of the rest of it was no picnic either. I’ve tried just about every possible treatment or cure in that time. In actual fact, the doctors are baffled by what’s causing it.

The best article I ever read about it is here but unfortunately it will cost you $3 to read it.

One of the big problems I have is that every time I try a new avenue of treatment, I tell myself over and over again not to get my hopes up. But I do, and then when it doesn’t help I get extremely depressed. As well as conventional treatments, I also get my hopes up from reading about experimental treatments, even though I know that the god damned insurance companies will never pay for any of those.

Here’s another highly experimental treatment that will probably never see the light of day. But I’m going to get my hopes up about it anyway.

Wired News: Saving Pvt. Ryan … From Pain