Maybe I’m a little stressed out

My impending job change has me stressed out so much that I’m having trouble sleeping. But maybe I’m letting it get to me more than I should. Today I used the word “asshat” in a problem report resolution. Mind you, I was referring to whoever at Sun is responsible for changing the name of the Java Runtime Engine from jre to j2re and then back to jre (and a whole bunch of other gratuitous naming convention and numbering scheme changes), so it’s a very appropriate adjective, but in retrospect I don’t think my cow orkers would quite understand my sentiment.

5 thoughts on “Maybe I’m a little stressed out”

  1. Could be worse. instead of “asshat,” you could have written “evil motherfucker who’ll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.”

  2. Yeah, that’s probably not very appropriate. Much better to vent your frustration by throwing things or something.

    BTW, WTF is *wrong* with Sun? Their naming conventions are enough to drive anyone over the edge.

  3. My friend S claims that asshat was originally coined by her brother as an attempt to get past the censor in the web/gaming forums he was active on.

    Obviously this makes it polite.

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