Upgrade to 2.3.3.

Only half a year or so late, I finally upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.3. And it seems to have worked “out of the box” with no surprises and everything working. That’s my favourite type of upgrade.

9 thoughts on “Upgrade to 2.3.3.”

  1. Might as well go ahead, Mark. I had to upgrade two plugins and make a very small change to my template comments.php, but otherwise it was painless.

  2. I hate upgrades – I’ve had excellent experiences (phpBB), and a few notoriously bad experiences, one in particular with an installation of Gallery that went completely off the tracks and ended up completely corrupting the SQL database in the end.

    I think I’ve upgraded WordPress once (the last time a major security hole was discovered with the version I was running) and it went OK. At this point I’m not running any really odd or outdated plugins (SpamKarma aside, perhaps?) so perhaps it’ll go well.

  3. I’ve tried twice to upgrade my Gallery to 2.2, and both times it’s failed badly and I’ve had to restore from backup. Which is too bad, because I’m told that 2.2 has better spam controls so I could turn back on comments.

    Are you using SK or SK2? I had to upgrade to SK2 when I went to WordPress 2.2. It seems to still be working with 2.3, even though it hasn’t’ been updated in ages.

  4. I’m running SK2. I’ve considered just removing it all together since it does seem to be abandon-ware now, but it works so damn well as it stands that I’m reluctant to put all faith in Askimet, only to discover I’ve got to reinstall SK2 after the fact.

    I think I’ll leave this upgrade for tomorrow. I don’t want a repeat of my Gallery experience where I got so pissed off I spent half the night fighting with it after foolishly starting an upgrade at 11PM on a work-night.

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