Getting spammed in earnest now

After I moved my blog from MoveableType to WordPress, it seemed that the comment spammers couldn’t find my new blog. For a while there, it even seemed that referrer spam had dropped down to nearly nothing. But they’re back, with a vengeance. They’re still trying to spam my old blog which doesn’t exist anymore, and Maddy’s blog which doesn’t accept comments any more, but now they’re spamming my blog. Or attempting to, anyway. SpamKarma is catching them all, but right now it’s catching 20-30 comment spams a day.

It’s a frustrating waste of my time and resources. I don’t pay for disk space and network bandwidth so that these vandals can use it up.

4 thoughts on “Getting spammed in earnest now”

  1. Weird, my blog used to get utterly hammered by spammers, but although I haven’t changed anything, Spam Karma 2 tells me that the last attempt at comment spam (unsuccessful, of course) was on May 23.

    I feel your pain though, I remember trying to manage what evolved into a massive problem under MovableType 2, and it was horrific. Fortunately I still never went anywhere near my bandwidth allowance – this is the advantage of being read by nobody (and of being your own hosting provider)…

  2. I’ve noticed that the blogspam has gone up for my site too over the last day or two. And some of it is sneaking past the filters, which is annoying. There’s also been some trackback spam which doesn’t seem to get caught.


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  4. I hear you about the comment spam. Spam Lookup for MT 3.1x works wonders (catches or moderates about 150 — 100% of the junk — per day) for me, but I worry about the bandwidth. I am trying to figure out how to get my ISP to blacklist the offending referral urls.

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