3 thoughts on “Well, now we know”

  1. I think it’s a stretch to blame GWB for this. Unless he sets up a WMD attack so that he can then institute military government.

    It’s one man’s opinion. One intelligent, well-connected man’s opinion, but still hardly definitive.

    November, 2004. Register to vote.

  2. Oh, by the way. Have you checked out any of the other articles at that site? Look at the left-side navigation bar. Read some of the articles. I have my doubts about the bias of this “news” site.

  3. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a WMD attack “just happens” to hit the US sometime while GWB is still in power. But then again, I’m still surprised that an elite team of Haliburton engineers didn’t start building chemical weapons factories inside of Iraq the first day of the war, in order to have units with embedded journalists “just happen” to find them. So maybe I’m paranoid.

    One thing is clear from that web site though – there are a lot of people out there who would welcome a military goverment. After all, democracy is hard – all those people with “wrong” ideas keep demanding to be heard, we have to keep giving rights to the “wrong” people, etc.

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