
The problem described in Rants and Revelations : Oh, buggeration! has been fixed.  It was a simple matter of some bad DOM programming – the way I was turning on and off the divs to show various parts of the refresh screen, specifically to show the “You’re done” part, was incorrect.  It’s unfortunate that the way I was doing it before worked on Firefox and Safari, otherwise I wouldn’t have assumed it was correct.

In case anybody cares, I had

div.setAttribute(“style”, “display:none”);

where I should have had = “none”;

which of course makes a lot more sense and is a lot cleaner if I ever put a style sheet on these things.

One thought on “Phew!”

  1. “It was a simple matter of some bad DOM programming”

    Ok, you need a new and more disturbing picture to replace your “I feel pretty” pic.

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