Oh, buggeration!

In my entry Rants and Revelations : Baby’s first AJAX I crowed about my lovely new AJAX Javascript refresh thing.  It is a thing of beauty and I thought a joy forever.  Until I got an email today from a guy who was generating a database and it suddenly stopped refreshing.  He said it did work until he added another state to the ones he’d done before.  And he also revealed that he was using IE, and was unable to change to Firefox becaused the computer was provided by work.

So I checked it out, and did a really big database generate.  It refreshed a bunch of times, and then suddenly it stopped.  And when I hit shift-refresh, the count reset to 0 as if it didn’t make contact to the XML producer at all, or couldn’t parse it or something.  “View Source” wouldn’t even bring up a window.  But when I posted the same URL into Firefox, it showed the correct results.  I tried backing off the security settings to the loosest, to no avail.  Can’t see anything useful in the various settings pages.
I wish IE had a Javascript console.  I’d really like to know what’s going on.

2 thoughts on “Oh, buggeration!”

  1. You write, “I wish IE had a Javascript console. I’d really like to know what’s going on.”

    It does, if you have Interdev installed. But it’s not free, of course.

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