
What the hell is wrong with my colo box? For the second time in 10 days, it has gotten all weird on me and needed a reboot. This time, my “tail -F” on the various log files on my main domU was showing all sorts of ext3 errors. An attempt to log into the dom0 to reboot it got the now dreaded

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

I had to call Annexa to power cycle it.

This is ridiculous. Is it the machine? The disk? The combination of Xen and lvm? I’m not finding any clues in the logs.

Today’s interesting discovery

My navaid.com web site uses a tiny bit of Ajax in order to refresh a portion of a page showing how many waypoints have been generated so far, when you’re generating a database. A couple of people reported that it wasn’t working right with IE 7. I discovered that IE 7 has attempted to implement the XMLHttpRequest the same as standards compliant browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari), and that was my first thought. I upgrade IE on my Windows box to IE 7 and tested it, and sure enough it didn’t work right, and turning off the option that says “Enable native XMLHttpRequest support” did make it work right.

But I can’t expect every user of my site to turn off this option, so I went searching for a better answer. And I discovered something else – IE is fanatical about caching pages, no matter what the web server tells you about the age of the page. So I added the following line to my page’s javascript:

‘Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT’);

and that seems to have fixed it. Unfortunately, because IE is so fanatical about caching stuff, I’m betting that a bunch of my users won’t see the changed net.js until they’ve already decided it doesn’t work.