Today’s interesting discovery

My web site uses a tiny bit of Ajax in order to refresh a portion of a page showing how many waypoints have been generated so far, when you’re generating a database. A couple of people reported that it wasn’t working right with IE 7. I discovered that IE 7 has attempted to implement the XMLHttpRequest the same as standards compliant browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari), and that was my first thought. I upgrade IE on my Windows box to IE 7 and tested it, and sure enough it didn’t work right, and turning off the option that says “Enable native XMLHttpRequest support” did make it work right.

But I can’t expect every user of my site to turn off this option, so I went searching for a better answer. And I discovered something else – IE is fanatical about caching pages, no matter what the web server tells you about the age of the page. So I added the following line to my page’s javascript:

‘Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT’);

and that seems to have fixed it. Unfortunately, because IE is so fanatical about caching stuff, I’m betting that a bunch of my users won’t see the changed net.js until they’ve already decided it doesn’t work.

One thought on “Today’s interesting discovery”

  1. A slightly naughty hack around this caching problem is to put a fake query string after the filename; this will (apparently) cause all browsers to not cache the page, since it thinks it’s a dynamic page. So something like <script type=”text/javascript” src=”…/net.js?q=[random string here]”> should do the job. This is, of course, assuming that you’re putting net.js into the page using a script tag, and that the generating page is a dynamically-generated page…

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