I am the Master and Commander of my television watching

I really love our new Humax TiVo with the built in DVD burner. Especially since it’s on the TV that gets HBO.

The only thing I don’t like about it are those sucky “peanut” remotes that all TiVos except the Sony SVR-2000s have – the button placement sucks, and it’s too easy to pick it up the wrong way wrong and point the wrong end at the TiVo.

Anyway, I recorded “Master and Commander” off of HBO this week. I was watching it on the downstairs TiVo when I decided I had a bit of a headache, so I watched to lie down and watch TV. So two button presses later, I was burning the movie to a DVD. 20 minutes later (it doesn’t burn particularly fast), I was upstairs in my own bed watching it on my stand-alone DVD player.

We’ve had this TiVo for 3 or 4 days now, and I’ve already burned three movies to DVD. I have a feeling I’m going to be buying DVD blanks in bulk.

2 thoughts on “I am the Master and Commander of my television watching”

  1. Insanely jealous. I wish I could save all this high quality video I have been snagging with my Series2 TiVo. I looked into it when I got it (last year’s big Christmas gift), but from what I could tell, the video is encrypted and there was no way (at the time) to decrypt it. Perhaps this has been reverse-engineered now. But the built-in DVD option is definitely the way to go. Shoot, I still haven’t even installed a second hard drive in mine yet. Maybe I’ll start with that, and when I fill it up with movies, I’ll look into getting these mpegs out again.

  2. Heretic! IMHO, the peanut remote is hands-down the best remote design I’ve ever used. The Philips series-1 peanut is better then the newer ones, though.

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