This is sad

I don’t know if this is a comment on the sad state of Java, or the sad state of the way my mind works.

I’ve been a Java developer since 1998. I think it’s a great language and I love working in it. But when I’m starting a personal project, I look for excuses not to use it. I don’t know why. I can code up beautiful and powerful GUIs in it, but I usually choose not to. It’s so ridiculous that I’m going to a meeting to discuss a possible freelance project very shortly, and I think I’m going to end up deciding to learn Python and wxPython and coding the GUI in that rather than do it in Java. And I don’t really know why.

3 thoughts on “This is sad”

  1. I do the same thing with C# and .NET.

    I use it at work, but if I’m starting something for myself, I’ll do it in C, even if it’s a pointy-clicky-gui windows app.

  2. I’ve been primarily a C++ developer since around 1995, and I avoid using C++ whenever I can. Do anything long enough, and it gets boring, no matter how good you are at it.

  3. The cobbler’s children have no shoes?

    Either that or you’re finally coming to grips with the fact that Java is a clever idea that’s gone on to be used in entirely wrong ways.

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