Email I just sent

Note: is the President’s Office, is the Yale University Press, is their Customer Care contact email, and opa is the Office of Public Affairs

Subject: I'm sorry I'm going to have to do this...

The Yale University Press has taken to sending out "spam" (unsolicited commercial email) to email addresses trawled from web sites - I know because they hit addresses that never would have been used for conducting a business relationship. That behaviour is unconscionable. I have no alternative but to block all email from to the domains under my control unless and until you cease this practice.

I'm sorry if that makes it harder for you to contact potential and current students, alumni and benefactors, but you should have thought about that before you decided to put the burden for your advertising budget on me and thousands of systems administrator like me instead of yourselves.

4 thoughts on “Email I just sent”

  1. Yeah, I’ll have to whitelist your address (and Rick Beebe if he’s still talking to me) when I put in the block. But for now, I’m waiting to see if they actually respond.

  2. I’ve alerted our sysadmin. He’s not hired by Yale, and can’t do anything about it, but he’s had to jump through hoops in the past when one or another Yale IP misbehaved.

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