Best laid plans, and all that.

When I came out of work on Thursday, even though the sun was down my car thermometer said it was an unseasonably warm 60 degrees F. The next morning, I took a quick glance at the weather widget on my Powerbook’s Dashboard, and it said that it was going up to 65. And thus a half-baked plan was born. I quickly put my kayak on my roof rack, which has been left on my car just in case such a day happened.

The intention was to sneak out for a few hours around lunch time and enjoy one last paddle for the year. Unfortunately reality interferred. It turns out that I’d read the weather widget before it had updated, and Friday was actually only going to get up into the mid 50s. Still maybe do-able. But unfortunately I got hellishly busy at work on Friday, and didn’t manage to slip out. Today was warmer, but raining, but still a remote possibility, but I was even busier at work. So I didn’t get out today either. And tomorrow it’s going to be a high of 43F, which would be cold even in a wet suit which I don’t have. Doesn’t look like it’s going up again until Thursday. I guess I’m going to give up and take the kayak off the roof.

Man, if I don’t get off this overtime treadmill soon I’m going to kill myself. Or somebody else.

3 thoughts on “Best laid plans, and all that.”

  1. I was in a mall today, and I took the kids to the sports store so we could look at kayaks. My impression was that the things they were selling were overpriced pieces of plastic crap. Where can I look to get a sense of what my kayak options are?

  2. Ian, you’re absolutely right – mall kayaks are utter crap. Your best bet is to go find a dedicated kayak store, preferably one on a local stream or lake so you can try them out.

    Some of the big outdoor chains have some decent stuff, but the problem is that major brands like Necky make good stuff for the specialty shops and utter crap to sell in the malls.

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