Note to LiveJournal users

Recently I’ve noticed that in Vicki’s blog, my entries on her friend’s page have this weirdo pseudo-link on them. I’ve noticed this as well on a few other people’s, as well. I’m not sure why, but the people who have “friended” “rantsnrevels” are getting my index.xml syndication, which has this problem, but people who have “friended” “ptomblin” are getting the index.rdf, which is a newer interface and probably doesn’t suffer from this problem.

If you look in the index.xml, you can see the culprit:

<title>And the rumour mill goes insane…</title>
<description>This morning one of my cow orkers was escorted off the premises. Th
<guid isPermaLink=”false”>330@</guid>

It’s that rascally <guid> thing. Now if you look in the index.rdf, you see nothing like that:

<item rdf:about=””>
<title>And the rumour mill goes insane…</title>
<description>This morning one of my cow orkers was escorted off the premises. Th

And while I don’t know anybody who has me friended as “ptomblin”, I’m willing to be they’re not seeing that weirdness.

2 thoughts on “Note to LiveJournal users”

  1. I have refriended you as ptomblin, and they’ve gone away, but I’m mildly disappointed not to have “rantsnrevel” as your “name;” it was a good one!

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