I’ve got coding, running around my brain

One of the problems I’ve suffered from all my working life is an inability to sleep when something is bugging me about the program I’m working on. Currently, it’s 3:56 am and I’m at my computer because I was tossing and turning thinking of various things I had to try to figure out what’s going wrong, and so I had to get up to try them. Unfortunately, those things didn’t work, so I had to try other things, and here it is 2 hours later and I’m not closer to fixing the original problem, and no closer to going to sleep.

I’d say this inability to shut out a problem and go to sleep was a major problem, but by the same token I like to tell myself that it’s this single minded determination to get things right that makes me so good at programming, so I guess I have to take the one with the other.

And now it’s 4:03, and my latest test is getting
fetch of http://localhost/Documents/pharma/DocSamples/CHINA.doc failed with: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem.getRoot()Lorg/apache/poi/poifs/filesystem/DirectoryNode;
so it looks like sleep isn’t any closer.