The saddest sentence

I took Widget to the vet yesterday for a physical, and I mentioned the problems he’s been having with his right ear, and how upset he gets when I try to look at it. Early on, she asked me if I’d brought a stool sample, and when I said no, she said they’d give me a cup and I could drop it back after Widget produced one.

Afterwards, she took him into the back room and I could hear him yelping in distress. She came back and described how they’d cleaned out the infection in his ear and put in some gel. Then she said something that still makes me sad:

He produced a stool sample while we were working on his ear.

Poor little guy.

One thought on “The saddest sentence”

  1. Been there, that’s our Phoebe’s response to any kind of threat or discomfort, evacuate everything. Her last trip to the vet was a treat, she was placid while still sick but once she felt better, her immediate reaction to someone opening the kennel was to yowl, poop, and mount a full frontal attack on the vet tech, of course she would then roll in the mess, so they would put the primate gloves on and take her out and try to bathe her and then the whole cycle would repeat, with her violent tendencies moving up a notch each time. I think there’s now a picture of her by the front desk that says “do not admit this cat”…just getting her into the carrier when we moved houses last year was an adventure, she managed to bite right though my thumbnail.

    I was anticipating something much sadder, glad it’s not that.

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