I don’t fucking believe it.

More in U.S. Say Bush Did All Possible to Stop Sept. 11 Attacks

After Richard Clarke’s forthrightness, and the administration’s spin, evasions, personal attacks on Clarke, and outright lies, MORE people think Bush did the right thing? I think the whole damn country has gone stupid.

Oh yeah, he did all he could. After all, he ignored the warnings of his counter-terrorism advisor, put together a panel that never met, appointed a cold war expert on the Soviet Union as his National Security Advisor instead of somebody who understood the current threats, and concentrated on settling old scores in Iraq to the exclusion of all other foreign policy.

And 43 percent of the nation is buying this line.

One thought on “I don’t fucking believe it.”

  1. That’s according to one survey. The CBS news poll put it at around 30 percent. I’d like to know the difference in the phrasing of the two polls, as well as timing – if the Time/CNN poll was taken immediately after Rice spoke to the commission, then a significant portion of the bump will be traceable to people who take a long time to think things through, and who are impressed by form over substance. Rice spoke more or less confidently, and the fact that what she said was orthogonal to reality doesn’t register right away for some people.

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