Fucking Spammers

So I’ve had this blog for what, 3 days now? And already somebody posted a penis spam in the comments. So I had to remove the comment and ban the IP, which is a royal pain. All spammers must die. Painfully.

2 thoughts on “Fucking Spammers”

  1. At least you have the ability to ban the IP. I almost pity the poor fools who get spammed while using free services and have no retaliatory power except to gripe about it in their blog.

    Wait, is that meta-bitching?

  2. Yes, I guess that is meta-bitching. However, I took some more steps. Following some advice I found on another blog somewhere, I renamed the comment cgi, but left the name of the original cgi in an html comment on the page, hoping to find spamming robots. The original cgi does nothing, except put “FUCK OFF SPAMMER” to the screen. Sure, the robots won’t see it, but at least I’ll feel good about it.

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