Note to LiveJournal users

Recently I’ve noticed that in Vicki’s blog, my entries on her friend’s page have this weirdo pseudo-link on them. I’ve noticed this as well on a few other people’s, as well. I’m not sure why, but the people who have “friended” “rantsnrevels” are getting my index.xml syndication, which has this problem, but people who have “friended” “ptomblin” are getting the index.rdf, which is a newer interface and probably doesn’t suffer from this problem.
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Never noticed that before…

I never noticed this before, but if you put a URL in when you’re commenting on my blog, it doesn’t actually put the URL in there, but rather puts in a URL for a local redirection CGI that will send you to the correct place. I wonder if that’s to stop comment spammers from getting the Google PageRank points that they’re trying for? I don’t remember this before, so I wonder if it’s something that came along when I upgraded to MT 2.661, or when I installed MT-Blacklist.

I see that Misha’s blog, which uses an older version of MT, doesn’t seem to have this feature.