Just fucking stop it, ok?

Ok, God, we’ve got it. Life is temporary and your friends and loved ones and friends of loved ones can be called away at any time. I’ve got it already. Just fucking stop. Now. Deb, Julie, Ron, Randy, Bob, all gone, and others besides. That’s enough. Whether it’s cancer, terrorists or plane crashes, it still hurts. Every single day.

So now Maddy has cancer. Just stop.

You wanna know why people get viruses?

Do you want to know why people get viruses? I was visitng some people I’d set up an office network for a couple of years ago. I’d also connected them to the internet via cable modem. I stressed to them that since they’re on the big bad internet full time now, they’ve got to heed those Windows Critical Update notifications, and they should get anti-virus software as well.
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