Micro Rant

If you’re new to the project, don’t start telling me that the way I’m doing something isn’t automatic enough and I should just tell our translators that they should do this, this, and ths so that we can automate more of our process. I’ve been through 7 previous rounds of sending stuff off to the translators and dealing what they sent back, and it’s hard enough to get them to remember the corrective action report you sent them the last time, never mind getting them to use 100% consistent file names.

That is all.

Why are spammers such assholes?

Ok, spammers are lowlife lying scumbag thieves. That much is a given, and it’s not exactly news. So why am I upset? Well, because a spam got through my filters. And not just any spam, but a spam advocating a cause I support – helping the UCC get their commercial on the air in spite of anti-gay backlash from CBS and NBC. And to make it worse, it went to one of my role accounts, not my normal account. I occassionally post to usenet with this role account, but almost always just to groups that are local to that role, although sometimes I use it to post to other newsgroups in the region or to the news.admin groups. I never have, and I never will, use this email address to sign up for newsletter or ask for information – that would kill the very reason for having role account.

I immediately fired off a complaint, pointing out that before I got the spam I was supporting the cause, but now that they’ve descended to spam I wasn’t. No response, except a few days later I got another spam. This time I said what I really thought.

What followed was the usual dance of denials, lies, evasions, and general scumbaggery that anybody who has talked to a spammer is all too familiar with.
Some highlights:

If your name wound up on our list without your consent it was assuredly not due to anything intentional, such as harvesting.


And by the way, a courteous note would have done just as well.

My experience suggests not.

So why am I upset? It’s just business as usual for a spammer, right? Well, except this one professes to be a non-demoninational religious organization, and I sort of expect them to have a moral code. I’m naive that way.

Mail filters written by idiots.

I got an email from my Dad, and since it’s a Microsoft Turd document I tried to bounce it to my work account so that I could read it there. But it bounced:

<tomblin@foo.bar.com>: host mailgate5.foo.bar.com[] said: 550
    Message refused - Banned text appeared in header or body: 'shit' (in reply
    to end of DATA command)

I piped the message through strings to see where the banned text occurred. It was somebody’s name – “Phil Matushita”. Words fail me.

With a mark-down like this, how can you NOT afford it?

Screen grab from a Garmin GPS dealer.

The price has been marked down from $799.99 to $799.00. Well, I couldn’t afford it before, but now…

(Note: This is not a hint. This is the not the GPS I want anybody buying me for Christmas. If I were in the market for a new GPS, it would be the Garmin 296. Thank you.)

Open letter to Rochester drivers

…or at least the ones who work for the company whose name sounds a little like nodak:

Just because there is a molecule of snow on the gound does not give you license to park 3/4s of a car width away from the car nearest you. When I lived in Canada we had two little tricks that I’m willing to share with you for no cost: we either got the fuck out of our cars and kicked some snow off the ground to find the stripe, or we just parked as far away from the next guy as we did in summer. Now, is that so hard?

I swear our company parking lot’s capacity goes down by 50% in winter, and you have to park further away from the door just when you’d least like to walk that extra distance.