Long Lake Long Boat Regatta, the full details

Update: The official results have been posted here
It’s all Dan’s fault. That’s Dan Murn, my coach, and the most outgoing guy in three states – I know that, because if there was anybody more outgoing in Vermont or New Hampshire you could hear them from here.
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My latest million dollar idea

I was “admiring” the places where my PFD has rubbed my back raw, and I was starting to think how you’d design a PFD that wouldn’t rub when you’re paddling hard. It seemed to me that you could do alternating horizontal bands of floatation material and spandex, so that they could flex as you rotated your torso.

But then I realized a couple of facts

  • the “real” racing paddlers I know don’t wear their PFDs, they strap them to back of the kayak.
  • most paddlers as fat as me don’t have a proper torso twist racing technique

Busy day (Busy? I just spent 4 hours burying the cat!)

Let’s see, today I

  • Fixed a bug that I’ve been working on for over a week (which I would have fixed in a day if the China team hadn’t put in a kluge to hide the most visible symptom). Oh, and the root cause was a module that the China team had written violating a basic assumption of my pre-existing gui code.
  • Had a job interview at Paychex which went pretty well, but included a strange little math test at the end which was fun but I’m not sure how relevant it is.
  • Went for a paddle – I meant to make six miles, but I only managed four because my shoulder is bugging me.
  • Got a call from the sleep clinic at Sleep Insights “reminding” me that I had a consult appointment at 11:20 am tomorrow, which is kind of strange because I had a sleep study at a completely different sleep clinic tomorrow evening.

I thought about writing more on each of those things, but I figured my blog is boring enough without the help. So if you really need more details, comment and I’ll inflict more detail on you.