You wanna know why people get viruses?

Do you want to know why people get viruses? I was visitng some people I’d set up an office network for a couple of years ago. I’d also connected them to the internet via cable modem. I stressed to them that since they’re on the big bad internet full time now, they’ve got to heed those Windows Critical Update notifications, and they should get anti-virus software as well.
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Oh my God!

I’ve worked in so many soul destroying cube farms, and a couple of places where a bunch of developers where stuck in a big echo-ey room, that this place looks like nerd-vanna to me.
Joel on Software – Bionic Office

Actually, I worked one place with semi-private offices. It was great because I shared an office with another bird lover and we used to bring our birds in and let them fly around the room. But that place was soul destroying in so many other ways that it couldn’t make up for the nice offices.