This morning my network access was sucking rocks. Pinging upstream showed up to 80% packet loss. Resetting the router and the cable modem didn’t help. I called RoadRunner, and they had a recorded message saying that they were doing work and service might be intermittent until 8:00am. So I waited.
Continue reading “Working, after a fashion”
Author: Paul Tomblin
Besides following the Giro D’Italia live on-line, one my favourite acitivites this time of year is watching our Kodak Birdcam 2004. And today, some (maybe as many as 3) of the 5 eggs have hatched. Woo hoo!
I’m evidently the last person in the universe to discover them, but I really enjoyed the P.G.Wodehouse book I listened to yesterday (“The Cat Nappers”) and I am now determined to read the whole lot.
Continue reading “Wodehouse”
Heavy Stuff, Don’t Read
I can’t decide which I hate worse – the atrocities done at Abu Ghraib prison, or the apologists who think that torture, including rape, can be excused.
Even the erstwhile “Lean Left” gets it awfully, awfully wrong, linking rape and threats of rape with homophobia and sexuality. Rape isn’t sex. It’s merely the most degrading and damaging thing you can do to another person. Worse, far worse than murder, or maiming or physical torture or psychological torture.
What is going to appear below the cut line is pretty heavy, you probably don’t want to read it.
Disconcerting juxtaposition of the day
I’m listening to an audio book right now. It’s P.G.Wodehouse’s “The Cat Burglars”. I’ve never actually read a Jeeves and Wooster book before, and I’m enjoying this one. But the narrator sounds disconcertingly like my ex-mother-in-law, in spite of the difference in genders. It’s a little bit jarring.