
I upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.5 because the damn thing was nagging me all the time about being back at 2.3.3. But now I discover that my theme doesn’t work right with the new code, and one of my favourite plugins, the LiveJournal CrossPoster, doesn’t work. Now I’ve either got to find a less ugly theme, or fix the old Maple theme to support the new comment code with the built-in Gravatars.

Update: I might have found the fix for LJXP!
In lj_crosspost.php, change

if(version_compare($wp_version, “2.1”, “< ")) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/template-functions-links.php'); }


if(version_compare($wp_version, “2.3”, “< ")) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/link-template.php'); } else if(version_compare($wp_version, "2.1", "<")) { require_once(ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/template-functions-links.php'); }

Update #2:
I officially hate this update. It keeps adding bogus </code> tags even though my tags are perfectly well closed before I saved them. Let’s try with block quotes instead?