I guess that answers that question.

Yesterday, I asked the musical question “Just how fucked am I?”. I woke up to the answer this morning – sometime around 3:30am my domU stopped working. Good bye web sites, good bye mailing lists, good bye picture gallery, good bye blog. Dammit.

I emailed Dave at Anexxa, and found out that when they’d moved to the new rack, they hadn’t labelled the ports on the managed power, so they couldn’t power cycle my machine. But they were going out to the facility at 1:30pm and could do it them. So I volunteered to come out with them. Probably just as well that I did.

The box power cycled fine, and I thought I’d tried the upgrade from there at the terminal, thinking maybe apt turned off the network connections just before it asked a question or something. They’ve done dumber things – remind me to tell you the story about trying to upgrade Morphix from an X console some day. No dice – it got to about the same place, but hung just as hard. I suppose if I really want to do the upgrade, I’ll have to try booting to the non-Xen kernel and do it from there, but for now I’ve marked the kernel packages as “don’t upgrade” and I’ll leave it alone until I have occassion to be back at the colo.