Evidently Dan likes his pancakes bumpier than I do

Last night the team went out on the lake for practice. From the parking lot, you can’t see the lake so I asked Dan what it was like, and he said “flat as a pancake”. Evidently in Dan’s world, pancakes have foot-and-a-half swells overlaid by numerous boat wakes.

Launching in the surf zone, I fell out of the boat once and got soaked, and while trying to get in a couple of waves came into the cockpit. The water in the cockpit made me unstable, and while I tried a couple of times to pump some out, I would have to take my paddle out of the water to pump and I was too unstable to do that except during breaks in the boat wakes, and those were few and far between. It was a real Catch 22 situation where I wasn’t stable enough to do the very thing that would make me more stable. So I ended up paddling the whole work out with about 3 inches of water in the bottom of the cockpit (and thanks to a lousy seal at the rear bulkhead, in the rear compartment as well).

After “playing” in the surf for a while, Dan told us to head to a head of land you could see. In the linked map, you can see the head just about where the two mile marker is. At about the one mile point on that map, Dan yells at me asking why I’m so far off shore, because he’s about 200 yards from the shore. I tried to explain that when he says to head directly somewhere, I for some strange reason took that as meaning to head directly to that place, rather than skulk along the shore line in the general direction of that place. But maybe that’s just me.

In spite of the feeling that I was going to dump any second, I preferred to be out off shore a bit, because when you get close in, you get the rebounds off the shore coming at you full strength, and when it’s boat wakes rebounding, sometimes the first of the rebounds is hitting you while you’re still dealing with the last of the direct wake. I hate that. And just to make this evening complete, we were getting attacked by nasty biting flies. One of them bit me high up on my inner thigh while I was trying to deal with about three waves from different directions, which did not help. We were in a soup of algae for much of the way, and I don’t envy Paul D who dumped into it once. Oh, did I mention that Paul D has gone over to the dark side and bought a surf ski, so I was the only paddler there with a decked boat? Yeah, sucks to be me.

Frank had come out with us, but some time after the point, I noticed he wasn’t there. I found out that he’d decided this wasn’t fun and turned back. Man, I wish I’d seem him turn because I would have graciously offered to paddle back with him. I wanted to turn back myself, but I didn’t want to be alone out there.

By the time we hit the 5 mile mark, my back was killing me. I suspect that if I’d been able to adjust my foot pegs I would have adjusted things to not hurt so much, but the jury rigging we did on the rudder pedals last week wouldn’t allow that. (As an aside, the new pedal track arrived as I was writing this, so I’m hoping Frank will help me install them in time for this weekend’s Rochester Open Water Challenge!)

On the way out, Dan had been promising that when we turned the swell would provide good surfing opportunities. I turned for home a few hundred metres before the pier that we’d been aiming for, expecting all these fast guys in their fast surf skis to surf on past me in no time, especially since I could barely hold 5 mph. It had seemed to me on the way out that even though the swells were coming towards us, I was actually getting a bit of speed from sliding down the back sides. But now on the way back, either the shape was working against me, or they’d slacked off some, because I felt like I was spending more time paddling “up hill” on the swells than sliding down them. It took a long time before any of the other paddlers caught up to me, but eventually Ken came sliding by and Ken and Bill and I paddled the long stretch home together – I was too unstable to look back, but I heard afterwards that Paul D was having trouble getting used to his new surf ski so Dan and Mike stayed back with him. My foot was cramping up, my back hurting, and the bugs were still biting and I just wanted to get back, but Ken kept zig zagging around to try to find some surf. It seemed like “rush hour” hit the channel between the lake and Irondequoit Bay, and every boat on Lake Ontario was either coming out of the channel and heading our way, or coming from behind us towards the channel. Lots of wakes to deal with.

My biggest problem with dealing with waves and wakes is, I think, my own mind. If I do what I’m supposed to, which is to let the boat pivot underneath me and keep myself loose, I think I’d be fine – the boat does have a lot of secondary stablity. But ever fibre in my being wants to slam my thighs into the brace position and take control of the boat. I know paddles on the lake like this are supposed to help me unlearn that reflex, but I can’t say I’m having fun yet. Maybe now the water is warmer, I should spend some time in the surf near shore, so I can dump without worrying.

A good morning, but not a great night

This morning, I went over to Frank’s to see if he could help me with my rudder pedal assembly. I had an idea of how to jury rig the pedal, but I wasn’t sure how to implement it. Fortunately, Frank is a lot smarter than me when it comes to fixing things, and he has the advantage that he installed this rudder assembly originally. It took us a couple of hours of reaching around into the depths of the kayak with screwdrivers and ratchets, but it worked.

It seems to be holding, but I’m looking forward to getting the replacement parts next week – the company that made the rudder system redesigned the tracks a few years ago to make them out of aluminum instead of plastic, and they tell me I can just swap out the tracks without changing any other parts – but of course first I’ll have to undo all the great jury rigging that Frank and I did. Tim of PaddlersSupply.com and Tom of TopKayaker.net got me hooked up and they are sending me the new parts, so I should have them in time for the Rochester Open Water Challenge.

The Time Trail kind of sucked tonight. First problem was that I forgot my GPS and heart rate monitor. Dan loaned me his GPS but I still didn’t have the heart rate chest band, and he took it home afterwards so I didn’t get to download the info. It was raining, but not too cold. The wind was blowing from the south, meaning that you started into the bay with enough tail wind to make waves, but not enough to really help you go fast. I think I was making around 6.2 or 6.3 mph. Turning in the waves was the usual adventure, especially when I wasn’t too sure about the rudder, and then coming back into the wind was slow, probably around 5.8 or 5.9. My split was around 9.9 minutes, compared to 9.53 last week. Going up the creek was a little better in spite of the headwind and the increasing rain, but it was a struggle to keep the speed up over 6.1. I did the turn the “normal” (counter clockwise) way – last week Jim Mallory convinced us that doing it the other (clockwise) way is probably faster because of the geometry of the final turn before the buoy, but I wanted to avoid full right rudder tonight. The way back was faster, of course, with a good tail wind and the current, so I was seeing speeds between 6.4 and 6.8. My final time was around 19.6 (compared to 19.20 last week), so my second half was faster than the first half. Paul D was a tiny bit faster than me tonight – I think Ken said he beat me by 7/100s of a minute. Oh well, when you’re only a few hundreds of a minute faster than a guy one week, you’ve got to expect that he’s only got to make a tiny improvement or you a tiny mistake to change the order the next. I’ll get him back next week.

Long workout today

Today I went out with a couple of guys from the team for a paddle around Irondequoit Bay. I think they do this paddle every Saturday, but it was a very long trip for me. We ended up going 10.85 miles. My longest work out to date was 10 miles, and that time I purposely set out very slowly. This time I was trying to keep up with one of our faster paddlers, Mike, and Paul D who eats miles and never stops. Looking at my GPS info, it appears that I went a pretty steady 5.8 – 6 mph for the first 4.5 miles or so, but after that we were constantly pausing and restarting. Part of that was that around that time we were going into this “side bay” with a lot of weeds and we had to keep clearing each other’s rudders. Plus I was having some sort of problem with my rudder – I was constantly putting on full right rudder just to keep in a straight line. I wonder if one of my cables has slipped? I’m not sure how to fix that, but I suspect I can’t do it alone.

There were a lot of wakes out on the bay, and we were often getting hit by two or three at once. That added a bit of challenge, especially when my rudder was acting funny. I’m really glad I was in a group and not out there alone. None of us dumped, but if we had, there were two other kayakers near by to help. You sure wouldn’t want to count on the power boaters for help – if anything, some of them seem to be trying to swamp you.

As we crossed under the bridge, I realized we only had 2.5 miles left, but I was really fatigued. Up until this point, I’d been avoiding riding the other guy’s wakes because I wanted a full work out, but now I was just trying to get home without slowing everybody down. Paul D offered me his wake, and I took him up on it. At least until we started getting a wake from behind and we both started surfing it. After it passed, he was 10 metres off to my left, and so I tried to grab Mike’s. He’s in a surf ski, which doesn’t have much wake, and he’s a much faster paddler than me, but I tried gamely to stay on it for a while. With about half a mile to go, I just let them both go and struggled in at my own speed.

I’d like to do this again, but maybe I won’t be so shy about riding wakes, and that way I might actually have some energy left at the end.

Video from last night’s time trial

Click for movie

If you look, you can see that the blade of my paddle doesn’t go all the way into the water. I need to work on my catch. I also think I need to get my paddle more vertical. I’m dropping my head too much. My right hand isn’t opening on the forward rotation. There’s always something to work on.

On the other hand, my rotation is definitely getting better.

Second Wednesday Night Time Trail

Today was the second BayCreek Wednesday night time trial of the season. There was a bit of a wind on the bay, which kicked up a tiny bit of wave activity. Not much, but enough to slow things down a bit. Plus I was the first starter, so I didn’t have a rabbit or a wake to ride. Lots of people lost a few seconds, and I dropped from 19:08 last week to 19:12 this week. I lost 2 seconds on the first half in the bay, and 3 seconds on the second half in the creek, and my heart rate was about 3 bpm higher on both halves.

Paul D says that they recorded his time wrong last week, and was probably a lot faster than the 19.40 they recorded. This week, I barely edged him out as he was 19:14, so we’re still on a fairly even basis. It still astounds me how close I am to some of the other team members’ times – I still think of myself as being sort of a “B+ team” member, but really when you look at those times, I belong there.

It was great to see so many people there, including a couple of people who had never even paddled before, and I went out of my way to be friendly to all the new comers. I know the friendship of others is one of the reasons I kept coming back even when my kayak was broken.

The tail of the GPS and Heart Rate Monitor
The tail of the GPS and Heart Rate Monitor