What happened there?

StackOverflow reputation tracker

Somehow overnight, I got 80 new points from votes, but somehow my net reputation went down 133 points without any of my other questions or answers getting any down votes. I have no idea how that happened, but I don’t like it.

Update: It turns out that Jeff Atwood decided to implement some “fraud detection” and removed what he thought were “suspicious” upvotes. I should consider myself lucky – Konrad, who had the second most points on the system, lost 6,000 points and Daok, who was pretty high up in spite of the fact that English is obviously not his first language, lost 5,000.

My Stack Floweth Over

I spend most of the time that I’m waiting for things to happen (compiles, application start ups, etc) reading and answering questions on StackOverflow, the best site for programming related questions bar none. One of the things that makes StackOverflow so good is their “reputation” system (although I keep calling it “XP” just to see if anybody will start copying me). You get XP when other users vote up your questions or answers, and when you “level up” to certain levels you are trusted to do various book-keeping tasks on the site like editing other people’s posts or closing them. There are also various badges you can get (or “Achievements” ) when you accomplish various things like getting a certain amount of up-votes on an answer. It’s a great system, and I don’t just say that because I am in the top 15 for XP. But one of the things they do is limit the amount of XP you can get in a single day. And overnight, some of my older answers got a whole bunch of up-votes, so I started off the day with nearly my limit, and I’ve now hit my limit for the day. Which means that for the rest of the day, I’ll be answering questions out of the goodness of my heart (and a design to show-off) rather than for XP.

This also means that I might have to actually be productive at work today. Sigh.

Buggrit, millenium hand and shrimp

I just tore my pants open at the pocket sitting down at my chair – the arms of the chair tilt inward and this isn’t the first time they’ve caught my pockets, but this time the pants are torn right open and I’m showing rather too much leg (and underwear) for the dress code.

Worst of all, I need to go to the washroom and I can’t risk walking past everybody.

The State of the Paul

My elbows are hurting much more than usual. The pain level has been rising for weeks now, so I suspect al the extra exercise is doing me harm. Hopefully all it will take is scaling it back.

I’ve been sneezing a lot today. I think I’m catching what Vicki’s got.

Work still sucks.