It took a few minutes for it to sink in, but I can’t believe how relieved I am to have my medical back. After I finished posting the initial entry to my blog, I almost cried. I wonder what it’s going to be like when I actually get the piece of paper. I can’t wait for a nice day to go up and remember what it’s like to fly alone again.
Category: Activities
Woo fucking hoo!
I just phoned about my medical again. It’s been granted! They put it in the mail yesterday, and with any luck I’ll be flying again after Christmas.
And the descent into hell continues apace
My latest assignment: write up a paragraph or two describing anything I did in the last major release of the product that might qualify as inventive, so that the patent lawyers can pick it over and decide what to patent.
Have I mentioned recently how evil software patents are?
Still no medical, dammit
As mentioned in previous blog entries, I’ve been without an aviation medical since the 1st of September. At the time, the Aircraft Owners and Pilot’s Association was saying that 3 of the 7 FAA medical examiners who deal with cases like mine were with their reserve units in Iraq, and to expect a 12 to 16 week delay getting your case reviewed. Then, a month after that, I phoned the FAA Aeromedical people to see what was happening, and they assured me that the 3 medical examiners were back, and the backlog had been dealt with, and my case was already under review. That was October. October came and went, and in December I phoned again, and was told that yes, it was currently under review. They also suggested I phone every week so my file will keep near the top of the pile. So here I am, phoning for the third time this month. And there is still no fucking news. I’d get angry, but the people on the phone are always so gosh darned nice. I suppose that’s why they located the Aeromedical branch in Oklahoma City instead of Washington DC.
If I don’t get my medical back soon, I’m going to have to go back on the anti-depressants for FAA-induced depression.
Probably not of interest to most people (like the rest of this blog is? My capacity for self delusion is amazing sometimes even to me.) but this is daily views of the Rochester Flying Club’s Dakota getting repainted.