Getting there.

I’ve gotten a few steps closer to moving everything that was on my Linode virtual private server over to my colocation box. Basically, the only thing left there is the hardest one to move, and that’s the waypoint generator. Part of the problem is that the new site has FCGI instead of FastCGI, and part of the problem is that I’m going to be converting from MySQL to PostgreSQL, and of course the version of MySQL in Debian Sarge doesn’t have the “compatibility” option in mysqldump. Oh well, I’ll get there.

Today I moved my Mailman mailing lists over. Since the versions of Mailman and Postfix were the same on both places, it was a pretty simple matter of copying the files over. The hard part was managing the cut-over so that no mail got lost. That meant getting everything set up on the new site, using rsync to make sure the files were absolutely up to date, checking out the permissions, and once I’d tested the setup using forced fake DNS entries, cutting over the real DNS entry. I think it’s all working right.

Next up, I’m considering moving my Gallery installation over. I’ve also got to get out and install a new hard disk that was given to me.

Tell me, is it a bit weird that on one of my few days off from a stressful software development project I spend the whole day futzing around with computers?

One thought on “Getting there.”

  1. Tell me, is it a bit weird that on one of my few days off from a stressful software development project I spend the whole day futzing around with computers?

    Nope, not at all because you’re doing something that you enjoy and doesn’t have a deadline.
    Though I’m a decent programmer, I decided long ago that I didn’t want to be a professional programmer because I wouldn’t enjoy it. Programming is a very creative process, yet it’s hard to be creative when someone says “write some code that does this”.

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