More lying liars

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Early days in the campaign, and the Bush campaign is already going to their strengths – telling all out bold face lies about their opponents. What a surprise. I don’t know which is sadder – that they have so much contempt for their supporters that they think nobody will see through the lies, or that their supporters are so contemptably stupid that the lies work.

Finally! – Business – Dell to Stop Using Indian Call Center for Corporate Customers

Dell has finally realized that outsourcing isn’t such a great money saver if the lousy service drives away your customers. I’ve emailed for customer support from three different companies recently, and in each case I got back a response that indicated that the person responding didn’t read or understand the question, and merely copied whatever chunks of the FAQ used the same nouns that I did, and in all cases it was signed with an Indian name.

I’m not saying that non-Indians are incapable of bad customer support, quite the contrary, but my experience with non-Indians has only been mostly bad, compared to totally bad experience with Indians.