
The New York Times has an article about my very favourite TV series of all times.

Spies Who Were Cool and Very, Very Cold

My Series 3 DVDs just arrived a few days ago, and I’ve already watched all of the episodes. Before that, I had a bunch of 3rd or 4th generation video tapes that were barely watchable. It’s sure nice to have them on DVD now.

Interestingly enough, the reason it’s taken until now for DVDs of the third series to come out is that there was some confusion about who owned the copyright. It was more convoluted than the whole SCO versus Linux thing.

There’s a fan site for the series. It’s pretty well done.

Skiing Versus Flying

This is another in my series of reposts from my original journal on Slashdot over to this new blog. With hopefully a bit of editing. This one involves the age old question, “Is flying as good as skiing”. Ok, it’s not an age-old question, but it’s one a friend of mine asked when I was reminiscing about skiing and feeling bad about how I can’t do it any more.
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Bugs Rule

This picture used to be an ad for a PC debugger. A while back, a friend of mine revealed he had it on a t-shirt. A much smaller friend. I begged him for the shirt, even though I couldn’t possibly wear it. I scanned it, and added a logo from the project I was working on at the time, and made it the unofficial logo of the bug fixers on that project. One of these days I’m going to get some of that iron-on transfer stuff and make it into a t-shirt.

CSM Memories

Ok, since I’m going to use this blog instead of the Slashdot one, I thought I’d bring some Slashdot entries over here. Oh, and maybe fix them up a bit as I do it.

This one concerns the Canadian Ski Marathon, which I skied in several times in the 1977-1982 timeframe. Back then, the CSM was a huge event, with over 4,000 people participating. The course went from La Chute Quebec to Montebello Quebec one day, and the next day from Montebello to either Hull or Ottawa, depending the weather and the organization, for a total distance somewhere between 160 and 170 kilometers over two days.
Continue reading “CSM Memories”